The opposite

Today: Utter randomness

What is the opposite of utter randomness?

Is anything really all that random by the time you write it down? I mean, I don’t write all that quickly, and I like to write most of these posts by hand. As I write, I’m thinking about what I’m going to write, and it really isn’t all that random. Not when there’s some thought to it.

I suppose I did think about just sitting here and letting the stream of consciousness take over – let the words just come to mind and write them down. Never mind if they make any sense. But then what’s the point of that, and besides the mind does take over, and how random is it, really?

[You might suggest at this point that I really am overthinking this, and you might be right.]

What else would be random. I suppose I could sit and describe everything around me. The clutter on this desk. Pens and bottles and books and bits of paper and things. What I’m wearing. Any idle thoughts that come to mind. Write lists. (Lists, are they ever random?)

So I’m trying to impose some sort of structure to this supposed utter randomness. Which would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?

I don’t really think I am a very random sort of person. I have my routines and habits. I know what I like, and what I don’t like. I tend to stick to what I know, to the tried and true. I’m the person who orders the same thing every time I go to the restaurant. Buy the same brands, use the same things.

I’m sure I must have tried these things for the first time, once. But I’m quick to decide, and then I settle down with what appeals. Do I have many passing whims? What are the utterly random things in my life? Are there any?

So, utter randomness? I don’t really think it comes naturally to me.