How I’m Spending My Time

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This is an interesting and easy way to figure out your daily routine. This depicts my weekdays. Weekends are usually less structured, even if there are regular chores to be done.

Yes, my day begins at around 4am. I have been rising at 5am for some years and have started trying to add an additional hour to my pre-work day. It’s currently still around 4am because this isn’t a well-established habit/practice yet. I have no problems getting up at 5am but it seems my body thinks 4am is a little early.

Why an additional hour? I’m trying to make more time for the “other work” (in green) I want to do – reading and writing – while also having enough time to walk the chihuahuas and meditate before going to work. That’s the orange “exercise and life maintenance” bit.

Early rising works for me. I find I’m not usually very social nor am I very productive by around 8pm most days. This was the case even in my youth – no, I never was a very good party-goer. Rather than force myself to stay up, I function much better if I go to bed when I’m ready to.

My daily commute, in blue, also usually includes around 20-30 minutes walking, each way, and I have around 30 minutes in which I can read, while on the train. I usually spend the train time reading and following links on Twitter.

For the yellow “fun and relaxation” I’m counting dinner time and time spent with M and the chihuahuas. I also read, listen to music and start to wind down for the day.

The original image, a “Wheel of Productivity”, comes from this post, The Easiest Way to See if You’re Spending Your Time Right. I must admit I had great fun with colour pencils…

What does your Wheel of Productivity look like?